Tomorrow We Vote Action




Education should be easily accessed by all Americans but especially to the youth. Money taken away from public education systems hurts the potential of each student who attends them. We are aiming to improve education to those who are most affected by it.

Environmental / Climate Control

Despite what some opinionated politicians and pundits claim, continued deforestation, pollution, overpopulation, greenhouse gasses and more have contributed to climate change and global warming. A multitude of scientists have proven this. We want to bring awareness to this as it directly affects those who will remain on this planet the longest.


Racism has been the root issue of the United States since its colonization over 500 years ago. It continues to be a problem stemming to marginalized communities where Blacks are policed disproportionately than White peers, where Latinos have had laws for them to prove their citizenship, and where Natives have had voting rights challenged. TWVA is active to battle against the discrimination of all people.

Women's Rights

Women have been fighting for equality since forever. Whether it’s the right to vote or the right to equal pay for the same jobs men work, the fight continues. Today, the addition of the rights to what they can do with their own bodies is challenged and criminalized. We are working for equality of women to everything men do.

Gun Reform

The automatic reactionary response to a mass shooting in America of “thoughts and prayers” hasn’t done much to quell the situation. Elected officials still have done little to nothing to help reduce the gun death issues. We’d like to work on gun reform measures to refrain from another death from senseless violence.

Criminal Justice Reform

There are people who have been criminalized disproportionately due to economic and racial circumstances. As a result, once released, employment is difficult and recidivism increases. This should be addressed immediately as families are separated for years from small marijuana possessions while others today profit from it.

Police Reform

Police have often received very little accountability for behavior which resembles criminal behavior. The benefit of the doubt through the criminal justice system and public interest have heavily weighed in their favor despite video. The accountability needs to lead to reform of the police system and for them to serve the communities fairly and build trust. 

LGBTQ Rights

The LGBTQ community have been discriminated against for sexual orientation leading to a delay in marriage, refusals to service them in businesses, and hold up adoptions. Black trans women are being murdered at a ridiculously high rate. We look to stop discrimination of all people.